Left Hand Path Gnosis



by AceThaGoblin

The Satanists and the true Satanic Luciferian knowledge does not condone the sacrifice of animals nor humans. We view all life as sacred even our own life, of course. The greatest sacrifice you can ever give to any devil or spirit is your own blood. That's the true sacrifice you have to make if you truly want a real deep connection with any devil or spirit. You need not to fear blood pacts , for in your blood holds most power.

The Left Hand Path isn't just about spiritual nature , we view the physical and the

spiritual as one in the same. Many people fall under the illusion of separateness. They think the

spiritual realities is so far beyond our reach and they believe that the the spirits and spiritual

realms to be supernatural , when in reality the physical reality is what truly is supernatural.

We come from the spiritual realms and we become a physical being. It’s a very common misconception that those who are on the Left Hand Path and those who practice The Dark Arts/Black Magick sacrifice animals, but that is very far from the truth.

You'll learn this if you truly read and study the devilish knowledge unlike religious ones and Right Hand Pathers who never study or practice any Dark Sorcery.

The Satanic Ways shows much significance towards physical life and in empowering of

your spirit and psyche as well. You see the Right Hand Path seeks to ignore physical life ,

physical gain and only seek spiritual gain. That pathway indeed is Self-Destruction. The Satanic

Luciferian seeks both spiritual and physical gain of all life. That is the ultimate union of infernal

nature. Many are fooled into thinking Satanism is a joke and not to be taken seriously but once

again, how can you be so far from the truth.

Satanism is apart of The Left Hand Path which can be found in every culture and every

civilization. The Left Hand Path is thy path of working with devils and not following or accepting

society/cultural norms. This is why many people of religion. The Right Hand Path cultures and

religions view The Left Hand as a wicked path. In all truth , the Devils are the true liberators of

man in almost all mythologies.


They Bring the knowledge of darkness and and Gods. This is so

man can understand that they are Gods as well. This is why we are very thankful of the Devil

Gods and feel disdain towards the God of Christianity and Islam because they Gods of Tyranny,

they seek to control you and eventually destroy you. This is what their teachings prove. Those

who follow such path are lead to Destruction Of Self. Many believe the lies of Hollywood on

witchcraft , The Left Hand Path and Black Black Magick. They show only little tiny pieces of truth

in their lies. You are a fool to believe them and not actually delve into this path of Black Magick

yourself and gain your own Gnosis.

The Left Hand Paths such as Satanism , Luciferianism , Voodoo Magick, Black Magick and Devil Sorcery
isn't something new at all.

The Left Hand Path is about finding the Gnosis/knowledge and empowerment through the darkness. Many people tend to stay misinformed that the darkness is evil but that's not true at all. The Darkness is where the hidden knowledge dwells.

The Left Hand Path is not a path of peaches , fairies and roses , but a path of bloody roses and darkness.

The Darkness is also where peace dwells. Only those with the Will of Lucifer, Satan , Ahriman and Set can drink from the cup of venom of power and infernal knowledge.

On this path you will be tested , that's all apart of the infernal ways. The Devil Gods will

test you , whether through the dream world , the astral plane and physical plane. Theses tests

are to see if you are truly worthy of The Left Hand Path's dark knowledge if you choose to work

with these Devil Gods.

Just don't be swayed from this path through fear like so many do , they are deemed unworthy. If you are true to your satanic ways and true to the devilish path then you have nothing to worry about and you will grow in power in your soul as a being and you will sit

high among the Devil Gods as a Devil God yourself, know how to become a god.


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